Breast augmentation with implants for voluptuous and natural-looking breasts
Breast Augmentation
Definition of breast augmentation with Implants
Breast augmentation also known as augmentation mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the size, shape, or fullness of the breast.
The implant type and size depends on factors such as how much bigger you want your breasts to be, your breast anatomy, skin thickness and elasticity, and body type.
- Surgery Duration: 1.5 hour – 2 hours
- Anesthesia: General anesthesia
- Hospitalization: 1 day
- Number of postoperative visits: 2 ~ 3 times
- Return to normal life: 1-2 days after operation
Why you need to do?
A woman’s reasons for choosing breast augmentation are highly personal.
Breast augmentation might help you:
- Enhance your breast appearance if you feel your breasts are too small or you’re concerned that one breast is smaller than the other
- Adjust for a reduction in the size of your breasts after pregnancy
- Reconstruct your breast after having breast surgery for cancer or other conditions
- Improve your self-image or self-confidence
Measurement of a breast implant size for natural-looking breasts
Step 01: Secure space for breast implants using HD endoscopy equipment for breast surgery.
Secure space for breast implants using HD endoscopy equipment for breast surgery
Step 02: Insert a sizer to find appropriate-sized breast implants.
Step 03: Based on the analysis results, insert the appropriate-sized breast implants.
Step 04: This method to find an appropriate size helps to create beautiful and natural-looking breasts and correct asymmetrical breast.
Doctors can diagnose the shape of your breast after having surgery through the Motiva scanner system.
An endoscope equipment is essential for transaxillary (armpit incision). Because the incision is far from the breast, it is hard to see or operate with the eye. Through the use of HD endoscope, JW provides more precise surgery and reduces the major vessel and tissue damage by ensuring an accurate view of surgical site.
Breast augmentation using HD endoscopy equipment.
Every individual has different standards of beauty for the breasts. However, the beasts can be evaluated based on objective criteria. JW Hospital performs HD endoscopic breast augmentation, considering the objective measurement results and the patient’s body conditions. Surgical methods of breast surgery vary depending on the patient’s breast shape and conditions. JW Hospital selects the best surgical method for you to create your own beauty and satisfy your needs, considering your body conditions.
Incision methods
Transaxillary incision: Incision is along the natural axillary skin crease. The surgery is performed with the endoscopy aid.
Transaxillary incision
Inframammary incision: Make incision about 3-4cm under the breast line. Doctor can directly see the surgery area to make space for implant and it gives fast recovery.
Inframammary incision
Areola incision: Make incision around the areola about 2cm. The incision scar can be easily hidden. Also, it is possible to reduce the areola at the same time.
Areola incision
Placement of breast implants
After breast augmentation surgery, the implant lies either behind the glandular tissue in your breast (subglandular placement) or behind the chest wall muscle (submuscular placement).
Placement of breast implants
The perfect results at JW Hospital
Breast augmentation can change the size and shape of your breasts. The surgery might even improve your body image and self-esteem
Before / After
Before / After
Before / After
Before / After
JW Breast Augmentation Cosmetic Center
The Motiva scanner system is located at the center
Patients will have an implant test when direct counseling at the center
The signing ceremony of establishing the breast augmentation center
Book your consultation
During the consultation you discuss all your wishes and expectations with the surgeon. The doctor will inform you whether the procedure can meet your expectations.
All the information regarding your Breast Augmentation is also provided during the consultation: the method that will provide you with the best result, the possible risks involved in your treatment and the aftercare.
Call us on 09 6868 1111 to arrange your appointment immediately.